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Changeboards is a visualisation tool that can be used to support and structure the development, evaluation and communication of user-oriented concepts.

The tool can be used for concept development after the initial idea development.


Changeboards visualises six user scenarios that, when combined, create the change scenario of the concept. In order to create Changeboards please answer the following questions:

  • Target group: Who is the target group (users) and what characterises them?
  • Need: What does the target group need solved? Why is it important for this group to have it solved? What is the purpose of the concept?
  • Solution: How does the concept solve the problem of the target group? What is the concept’s core experience? Why is the concept’s core experience relevant for the target group?
  • Benefits for the target group: What are the particular benefits for the target group (users)? Why is the target group interested in your particular concept? Does the target group have a reason to return to your concept?
  • Benefits for customers: What are the particular benefits for the client/customer? Why is your concept better than other similar concepts?

For the students to satisfactorily answer the above questions they need to work visually with storytelling scenarios, because the visualisations can reveal the atmosphere, challenges and beliefs much more clearly than words. Please use the template in the column to the right on this page.

  1. Scenario – visualise the target group as a typical user.
  2. Scenario – visualise the user’s need.
  3. Scenario – visualise a solution that suits the need.
  4. Scenario – visualise the user’s use of the solution.
  5. Scenario – visualise how the user benefits from the solution.
  6. Scenario – visualise the significant changes and consequences that the solution has on the user’s daily life.

Worth Considering

Changeboards can be kept simple by using paper and pens, but the graphic quality can be enhanced by including photos, illustrations, etc..


You will need large sheets of paper (ideally large rolls of ‘butcher paper’) and coloured markers.


Developed by Katalyst, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. Based on the NABC principals, Stanford Research Institute.

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